MIPTV’s first day Production focus saw speakers not only share top international coproduction strategies, but also how to pitch them & make the most of them in Cannes, as well as what are the hottest productions around the world right now.  Not forgetting exclusive views from the top, from Canal+ (photo) and Zodiak’s insightful keynotes…

Liveblogs include full video + text highlights of each session; posts ranked in order of online popularity (most shared via social media):

At MIPDoc, a cutting-edge panel looked at how documentaries’ financing could be crowdsourced – much as musical productions increasingly are – using innovative platforms such as Kickstarter. The “Financing for New Co-Production” panel saw Nat Geo, ZDF, Boreales, NHK and more discuss copro collaborations and new factual financing models; subjects that were als key for MIPDOC’s two keynotes.


As for MIPFormats, delegates were treated to keynotes from format maestro Dick de Rijk (Deal or no Deal) and Steve Morrison of All3Media, the company notably responsible for Skins. Formats were also considered from the perspective of new media, with speakers including 2-Screen expert Monterosa’s Simon Brickle; and “Millionaire” co-creator David Briggs and Red Arrow’s Omri Marcus shared their checklists for creating successful formats.

About Author

As Head of Social Media for Reed MIDEM, James Martin oversees social strategy and deployment for B2B events MIPTV and MIPCOM, Midem (music industry) and MIPIM & MAPIC (real estate & retail). He is based in Reed MIDEM's Paris office.

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