I consider myself a TV person, so I felt a little out of place at the Ad & Social Tech Summit that took place in Israel a few weeks ago. Speaker after speaker talked about another cool feature or campaign that opens up more possibilities for the audience’s viewing experience. When it was my turn to give my presentation, I opened with a confession – I felt like the entire room was my nemesis and yet at the same time my coolest friend.

In a way, traditional TV is like a commercial flight – you bring together a group of individuals, mostly complete strangers. They can be of very different in age, background and have completely different purposes for the ride – but they will all go through the exact same journey. A good television show is appealing and inviting to the biggest possible audience, inviting them to go as a massive group on a journey. The entire nation is laughing or excited. Quite a lot of the effect of broadcast TV is based on that imaginary ad-hoc community.

A second screen supplement to a show is the flight attendant on that flight – it takes that solid group and breaks it up back to the individuals that make it. It creates personal relationships that make the journey unique: something that can turn a horrible flight to nicer one.

A perfect second screen supplement will add layers to your traditional TV show, where you can create a personal attachment to the characters or to the experience. Just like we can’t imagine a flight without a professional flight attendant, we are entering a time where a well-thought second screen supplement is not a luxury but a must-have. When that synergy is at its best, this one plus one – creates a whole much greater than the sum of its parts.

I believe that we are lucky to experience some of the most exciting times in the history of TV. A revolution that is greater than the era of colour TV or even the cable channels – it’s a revolution in the relationship between the viewers and the shows. It’s a really a great time, and every day we’re figuring out new powerful ways to enhance the TV experience.

By the way, this post was written on a flight.


Omri Marcus is a regular contributor to MIPBlog, and an exclusive development partner of Red Arrow Entertainment Group. 

About Author

As Head of Social Media for Reed MIDEM, James Martin oversees social strategy and deployment for B2B events MIPTV and MIPCOM, Midem (music industry) and MIPIM & MAPIC (real estate & retail). He is based in Reed MIDEM's Paris office.

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