A few years ago, while audiences of reality TV programmes significantly dropped, fiction struck back and US scripted formats such as Lost and Desperate Housewives took Europe by storm, becoming international hits within a few months.

Today, local fiction strikes back, and co-productions increasingly appear to be the best way to offer high-quality series destined to be broadcast in as many countries as possible.

If original creations are still critically acclaimed, local adaptations seem to be the new key to secure high ratings. But success isn’t always up to expectations.

Overall, tough competition worldwide is pushing the producers and broadcasters towards imagining new tactics and strategies to retain audience, especially the young adult demographic, through the wide range of available media.

This white paper looks at the global ratings success of US fiction; growing competition from non-US drama such as Downton Abbey; and increasingly innovative transmedia initiatives such as American Horror Story‘s “Social Horror Story” plan.


Click here to download this exclusive white paper (email req.) 


About Author

As Head of Social Media for Reed MIDEM, James Martin oversees social strategy and deployment for B2B events MIPTV and MIPCOM, Midem (music industry) and MIPIM & MAPIC (real estate & retail). He is based in Reed MIDEM's Paris office.

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