MIP Markets April 2016 live avril 18, 2016 0 MIPTV Digital wrap: How MCNs mesmerise and monetise millennials Catering to the millennial audience was top-of-mind at this year’s MIP Digital Fronts, as well…
Digital février 29, 2016 0 YouTubers & MCNs: Building a Media Business — MediaTainment Finance whitepaper Brought to you by international business journal MediaTainment Finance, this MIPTV publication is essential for…
Digital septembre 26, 2014 0 Miguel Sabino: Kids’ entertainment habits have shifted permanently The online video landscape has seen substantial changes in recent years, following the surge of…
Digital avril 9, 2014 0 Liveblog: MIP Digital Fronts digital studios showcase The final session today in the MIP Digital Fronts was a corker: a parade of…
Digital avril 9, 2014 0 Liveblog: Maker Studios’ Stampy Cat and Chester See wow Digital Fronts Maker Studios is one of the biggest multi-channel networks (MCNs) on YouTube, with more than 55,000…