Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to replicate and replace numerous aspects of the creative and practical processes of making TV and film content. Understanding exactly what it can (and can’t) do and where it is heading is essential in today’s market. Is AI a game-changer or merely a useful tool to streamline and accelerate the creation and production of film and TV content? Where is AI heading in terms of the latest developments and what are the tech-giants doing to speed this process? More importantly, what are the practical uses of AI, right now, that can be applied to your business?

This report aims to demystify AI with specific reference to its application to content creation, production and distribution as well as looking at regulation and wider ethical and moral questions surrounding the technology. If you’re ready to start using AI in your day-to-day work or just want to understand this rapidly changing area, this is the report for you.

Download the white paper here 👉

About Author

Ampere is a market-leading data and analytics firm specialising in the media, games and sports sectors.

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