What did we learn from MIPTV 2017? Plenty. The show covered such diverse topics as how technology is changing television, the latest reality genres about to make it big, Asian markets providing a wealth of content, and podcasts.

Let’s look at five facts we were introduced to at MIPTV 2017 in figures:

1.2 million: The number of viewers for a Facebook Live version of Dancing with the Stars. The version, for an Irish audience, was broadcast on the social network two hours before it aired on television and was aimed at a younger demographic. The show, at 25 minutes long, was the first programme produced specifically for this channel by RTÉ Television, which had previously only used Facebook Live for marketing online. “We’re a TV production company, but now we’re saying we’re a content production company, because TV may not be the platform where we make content for the future,” Larry Bass, CEO of Ireland’s ShinAwi, said. Using social media for content creation, however, is a format that hasn’t been explored much by traditional networks and production companies, so it’s an area ripe for growth.  Source:  Can Social and Digital Save Formats? panel report

3 hours: The average daily viewing time per day per person in 2016. This is three minutes less than in 2015, although viewing times varies by region. In North America, for example, the average time is four hours, 14 minutes, more than any other area. Forty nations also measure how people are viewing content. Millennials are more likely to be viewing content online versus other age groups  Entertainment and fiction, especially short version fiction, are the genres that perform best online. In addition, 70% of content is local, whereas only 30% are made for export. Source:  Bursting the data dam panel report

46%: The percentage of the world’s population that belongs to Generation Z, those 24 and younger. Zoomin Studios has taken aim at this audience, one they consider to be powerful and connected. The studio’s first venture for the Gen Z audience is a 10-hour series called “Adrenaline” which follows YouTube sensation James Kingston’s search for the next daredevil. Generation Z’s heroes are visionaries, the studio says. Source:  Zoomin Studios and AwesomenessTV Digital Fronts report

37%: The percentage of two year olds who can operate a touchscreen device better than their parents, according to keynote speaker David Shing of AOL (top photo). This suggests the future of content lies with the human touch and making virtual experiences real. Content creators are competing with one another, he says, and therefore, must be more creative in the process. “The audiences that you’re attracting now have their audiences,” Shing says, “so the content you publish should start when it’s published, not end. Personal expression is the new form of entertainment … There are more people dying from extreme selfies than from shark attacks!”  Content creators must focus on quality to win viewers.  Source:  AOL & TF1 Keynote Wrap

86%: The percentage of customers who consider content very important to their brands. At the same time, 63% are dissatisfied with how brands try to engage with them. This information provides advertising agencies with information that can be used to produce content that inspires and touches people on an emotional level.   Source:  interview with ad agency Les Gaulois’ Elisabeth Billiemaz.

More from MIPTV 2017 in our full live coverage: in-depth reports of all the panels & more!


About Author

Melina Druga is an author and freelance journalist, working with MIPBlog content partner Reportlinker.

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