…especially those with high international potential. The speakers were Kayo Fukuda, NEP/NHK; Thomas Hirakoa, ABC Japan; Yuka Kakui, TV Asahi; Ki Kitamura, TV Tokyo Corp.; Fumi Nishibashi, Fuji Creative Corp; Hiroki Tanaka, Yomiuri Telecasting Corp.; Masashi Yamamoto, TBS Television; and Katie Nakano Yukiko, Nippon Television Network Corporation. Here’s a selection of the shows on show!





Also shown were Papa’s Kitchen,
 by Fuji Television Network; One Step One Penny, by TV TOKYO Corporation; Wild Skills, by TV Asahi Corporation; All Chained up! by Yomiuri Telecasting Corp; Battle of the Super Boyz, by Tokyo Broadcasting System Television. A fine selection all round!



About Author

As Head of Social Media for Reed MIDEM, James Martin oversees social strategy and deployment for B2B events MIPTV and MIPCOM, Midem (music industry) and MIPIM & MAPIC (real estate & retail). He is based in Reed MIDEM's Paris office.

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