Above, left to right: Steve Macallister, all3Media International; MIPFormats pitch winner David Visnjic of DolinsekFilms; Jane Turton, all3Media Group; Sabrina Duguet, all3media; pitch winner Michael Dolinsek of DolinsekFilms; and Laurine Garaude, director of Reed MIDEM’s TV division. Below: our interview with Visnjic!

MIPBlog spoke to the winners of the MIPFormats International Pitch, supported by partner all3media International, after winning their 2015 prize. Dolinsekfilms in Austria won the grand prize for 1001 Rooms, in which a candidate is abandoned at the center of an array consisting of 1001 rooms. His mission is to fight his way out of the cluster to reach the edge and the best rewards.

Co-presented by CEO Michael Dolinsek and producer David Visnjic, the tasks in 1001 Rooms are given by the faceless Matrix Master, who loves riddles, and dishes out both physical and mental challenges.

Dolinsekfilm wins a €5,000 cash prize, plus a value package of €15,000 for development of the pitched idea, from MIPFormats International Pitch exclusive global partner all3media International.

The pitch session was presented by C21 Media‘s editor-in-chief and managing director, David Jenkinson (far left, below). Four other projects were pitched to a jury of experts, comprised of (left to right) Arne Kreutzfeldt, head of entertainment, MME Entertainment; Mark Downie, chief creative officer, Maverick Television; Tim Harcourt, creative director, Studio Lambert; Nathan Eastwood, head of entertainment, Objective Productions; and Dario Turovelzky, head of programming, Telefe Argentina. Sabrina Duguet, SVP international format sales of all3media International, appears at the far-right.

Jury members

“There was a lot here—like game shows that work very well, but we were also looking at the ability to scale internationally, » said Duguet of all3media.

The other projects in the running included God’s House by Haas Productions, Project Party Villa by Prize Pig Productions, Welcome Home! by indy TV show creator Jean-François Grenier, and Who Will You Trust? by StudioVision.

Thanks to everyone for taking part, and congratulations to the winners!


Check out MIPTV, MIP Digital Fronts, MIPDoc & MIPFormats 2015 full live coverage

About Author

Angela Natividad writes regularly for AdWeek, AdVerve and MIPBlog; she is also co-founder of esports-focused marketing company Hurrah.

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