1. MIPBlog

April 5-10 inclusive, the MIPBlog team — tech journalist Stuart Dredge (The Guardian, Music Ally) and brands and social media expert Angela Natividad (Adverve, Darewin) and yours truly — will be liveblogging & live-tweeting key MIPTV, MIPDoc & MIPFormats conference sessions, live-vining the red carpetinterviewing stars and industry VIPs and much more besides. All the action will be right here on MIPBlog; where else?!


2. Twitter

On @mip, our official Twitter account, you’ll be able to catch show updates; the hottest quotes straight out of the conferences (in text and video; see below); and links to every single new bit of content added to MIPBlog during the shows. #MIPTV, #MIPCube, #MIPDoc and #MIPFormats are the official hashtags. We’ll also be updating our Facebook page throughout the event, so keep an eye on that too…


3. Video

New this year, we’ll be tweeting short video clips of MIPTV’s keynotes, in real-time, courtesy of our partner, Grabyo. You can watch these clips directly in your Twitter feed, or in a dedicated player that we’ll embed here on MIPBlog.

Not forgetting our official YouTube channel, the place to find:

50+ full conference sessions from MIPTV, MIPDoc and MIPFormats, available 2-3 hours after each session ends in Cannes

– Interviews with stars such as 50 Cent (Power); Kim Cattrall (Sensitive Skin); Maggie Gyllenhaal (The Honourable Woman) and more besides!

– The MIPTV News Show, a daily highlights video shot in partnership with the event’s official newspaper.


Not to mention miptv.com, which will feature regular updates and the MIPTV News’ digital editions; and our brand new MIPTV mobile app, which includes all of the above content, plus tonnes of practical show & Cannes info.

What more could one possibly ask for? A bientôt à Cannes 🙂


About Author

As Head of Social Media for Reed MIDEM, James Martin oversees social strategy and deployment for B2B events MIPTV and MIPCOM, Midem (music industry) and MIPIM & MAPIC (real estate & retail). He is based in Reed MIDEM's Paris office.

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