The YouTube Space is part of Google’s London HQ, an ultra-modern building which is also home to NBCUniversal…


Google’s main reception, at the top of the building, couldn’t be more British!


Then at last to the YouTube Space reception! A place for YouTubers — budding young producers, for whom the place has been designed — to hang out and exchange ideas. The London Space, now the third in the world along with LA and Tokyo, was the first to originally open. It is also directly accessible from the outside of the building, so producers can avoid going through two receptions.


If you’ve been to and used the YouTube Space, please leave a photo! Countless producers’ portaits adorn the reception’s wall.


Then it’s into the Space itself: production rooms on one side; reminders of cinema’s past on the other!


Perhaps the most impressive part of the Space: its very own green room! YouTubers are actively encouraged to project themselves into new worlds…


In the next room, we were lucky enough to witness a film being shot. We were assured the “victim”‘s screams were not for real 🙂


The editing room, where films are finalised with world-class software like Final Cut Pro. No expense has been spared for the YouTubers…


Speaking of expense, producers also have access to this impressive array of Canon kit, to help them make their wildest dreams take form. Needless to say, the gear stays in the Space!


A huge thanks to YouTube/Google’s Joe McDermottroe for showing us around! & to MIPCube‘s Sarah Hemar for helping out with the photos. More about the YouTube  Spaces here…

About Author

As Head of Social Media for Reed MIDEM, James Martin oversees social strategy and deployment for B2B events MIPTV and MIPCOM, Midem (music industry) and MIPIM & MAPIC (real estate & retail). He is based in Reed MIDEM's Paris office.

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