Predicted as a record year for worldwide TV consumption, 2012 could in fact be above all a year of transition, born of a revolution in behaviours. The offer of content, channels and technology continue to progress, stimulating consumption and innovation. Television is still mostly viewed via the traditional set, but also and increasingly via new screens. Tablets, smartphones and the PC are not substitutes for the TV screen, but are instead complimentary to it, creating great opportunities to follow TV content wherever you are.
In this exclusive whitepaper, Eurodata TV Worldwide analyses the key facts and figures that defined TV viewing in 2012, with a special focus on how multi-screen viewing and connected TV strategies are changing the shape of the worldwide TV market.
Download this exclusive whitepaper here (email required)
Created by Médiamétrie, Eurodata TV Worldwide distributes programming and audience information, based on its partnership with the national institutes operating people meter systems throughout the world. Today, Eurodata TV Worldwide’s database contains more than 5500 channels in more than 100 countries and provides an exhaustive amount of daily programme information. To find out more, contact
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