Which TV premieres around the world are generating the most social media buzz? The answer is in the 10 Social TV Trends examined in this exclusive report. The quantitative results come from the witspottER, which measures in real time social media activity around TV shows aired around the world, as spotted and listed in The Wit‘s FreshTV database. The qualitative analysis is based on the expertise of The Wit’s content trends team.
The 10 trends are:
# The 20 most social TV premieres
# The top 20 new TV shows that keep fans engaged
# The Voice is the #1 social TV format
# Talent Shows are the social TV stars
# Reality soaps draw loyal followers
# Awards shows are tailored for social TV buzz
# Event TV makes people talk
# Scripted Series are more liked but less talked about
# Latinos are the biggest social TV commentators
# The most anticipated TV show of 2013
Click here to download this exclusive white paper (no email required)
The Wit (World Information Tracking)’s mission is to feed its proprietary FreshTV database every day with Fresh TV and digital content news, trends, practices from around the world in order to help its subscribers (broadcasters, producers, advertisers) come up with the TV & digital hits of tomorrow. To help discover the hottest – and sometimes under the radar – new content, the WitspottER’s exclusive analytics track social media activity around TV shows 24/7 from a quantitative and qualitative point of view.
The Wit’s Virginia Mouseler presents MIPTV’s ever-popular « Fresh TV Around the World » session April 8 (13.00). Don’t miss it!