The Feds’ Michael Cook (left) kicked off proceedings at Morisson’s with colleague Lisa Gray, who happens to be one of the first ever people to tweet from a MIP! They were welcomed by star MIP tweeter Simon Staffans, of Finland’s Media City – essentially the event’s co-host, thanks Simon! – and (right) Thea Newcomb, of, MIP Markets’ newest tweeter. In short, our Twitter past, present & future in one photo!
Eric Sorenson (left), of Kidobi, an innovative online video platform for children, with Anders Wik, of Media City Finland.
More Finns! Simon introduces Jussi Laaksonen & Pauli Kopu of video startup and creative agency Klok. It was Kopu’s 25th birthday that day, hurrah!
Yours truly, looking somewhat weathered by the week’s live coverage: yet still delighted to host our first Tweet Up 🙂 (Thea took the photo and chopped half her face off).
MIPCOM News senior reporter & frequent MIPBlogger Gary Smith (left) was also present… As were MIPBlog’s (camera-shy) livebloggers Angela Natividad and Stuart Dredge. Plus MIPCOM News’ Emelia Jones and Aardman Digital’s Karen Heldoorn… also camera shy (and not yet on Twitter: shocking, eh?!)
Thea and Simon spend a good while chatting about Thea’s innovative project. Simon provided essential format and concept development advice, concluding that our new friend would be “sitting on a goldmine” in a years’ time if she play her cards right. They refused to say more, but well met for sure! We’ll keep you posted…
Jussi (left) & Pauli bid us farewell, off to the next stage of birthday celebrations…
…and Emelia was so inspired by the Tweet Up that she gave up smoking there and then 😉
Thanks for coming & see you next time!