MIPBlog V3 launches today. It sees us shift up a gear in terms of content ambition by delivering exclusive business knowledge across the following categories from now on:

Production: All you need to know about the latest TV and cross-platform models driving the business today. Coproduction and Formats will be key words here, with a special focus on indie productions such as those showcased at MIPs, such as Mad Men and Camelot

Distribution: International TV distribution deals are MIP Markets’ core activity. What better place to cover that than MIPBlog? The MIPTV & MIPCOM daily News will also be key sources for this essential category

Branded Entertainment: An increasingly important sector for the entertainment business as brands’ dollars progressively move beyond the 30-second spot. Regular contributions from the Branded Content Marketing Association (BCMA) will notably ensure the most up-to-date trends are here

Beyond TV: Be it entertainment apps; tweeting whilst watching TV (or other derivatives of dual-screen viewing); transmedia storytelling; or crossmedia commissioning, the entertainment industry’s connected present and future is chronicled by the experts here

The A-List: The stars come out at MIP Markets – be it at MIPCOM 2010’s red carpet, for exclusive interviews (eg. Mad Men, Stephen Fry or Robert Redford) or simply doing business, like Sarah Jessica Parker – and this is where to find them. Not forgetting the industry’s VIP executives, of course!

We’ve also just launched two brand new networking groups on LinkedIn, for Documentary and Factual TV professionals, and for Animation and Kids’ TV execs. Not forgetting our huge MIPTV & MIPCOM group & our Connected Creativity gathering… Or our Facebook pages (MIP Markets & Content 360) and ever-growing Twitter following!

See you there!

About Author

As Head of Social Media for Reed MIDEM, James Martin oversees social strategy and deployment for B2B events MIPTV and MIPCOM, Midem (music industry) and MIPIM & MAPIC (real estate & retail). He is based in Reed MIDEM's Paris office.

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